If you have just started your webshop, there is a lot coming at you. Which products do I want to sell? What prices will I charge for this? What about logistics and distribution? These are just a few of the issues you need to decide on that affect business operations. With so much online competition, entrepreneurs must fight for the margins and distinguish themselves in a unique way from other webshops. An effective way to do this is to start a strong distribution. How do you do this? You can read it in this blog.

Start the distribution

You will at the start of the distribution van uw webwinkel op zoek moeten gaan naar een leverancier die die tijdig alle producten bij u levert en een distributeur uw orders veilig bij de klanten brengt. Zodra alles op orde is kunt u beginnen met het distribueren van de orders naar de klanten. Vaak kiezen startende webwinkels ervoor om zelf de distributie van de producten te verzorgen. Dit komt omdat zij meestal nog niet de financiƫle middelen hebben om een logistieke partner in te schakelen en het aantal orders kunnen zij dan nog volledig zelf afhandelen. Het magazijn, waarin u uw producten in voorraad houdt en verzendt, moet voldoen aan de eisen van het bestemmingplan en de omgevingsvergunning van uw gemeente. U kunt beide documenten opvragen bij uw gemeente.

Distribution: do it yourself or outsource it?

There comes a time when you must determine whether you continue the distribution in-house, for example by hiring new employees, or outsource the distribution of your webshop to an experienced and reliable partner. The core business of a logistics company is taking care of, among other things, the distribution of customers. They use advanced distribution systems and have good cooperation with suppliers and delivery services that are flawlessly coordinated with each other. It is also often possible to store your stock with this partner, so that you no longer have a large warehouse. In short, everything is arranged in the smallest details, which ensures strong distribution and high customer satisfaction.

You can decide for yourself what and how many elements within the distribution of your webshop you want to outsource. For example, a division can be made between all activities, so that you can still carry out a part in-house and in this way retain some of the control.

Krijgsman: your reliable partner

Is your webshop growing and is the time for you that you are looking for a distribution partner? Then be sure to Contact us During a personal introductory meeting, we are happy to listen to your wishes and discuss all the possibilities. We are happy to take care of your distribution, so that you can focus on other important activities.
